Make Your Voice Heard

We all have a role in advocating for the poor! The Advocacy Committee of the Ladies of Charity USA was formed in 2009. The Committee is charged with helping to educate all of us as Ladies of Charity on issues of poverty. Human trafficking, Medicaid expansion, and the complex issues related to the influx of unaccompanied children migrating from Central America to the United States are some of the issues discussed on the Ladies of Charity website

An advocate is defined as “one who pleads the cause of another.” It is important that we are educated, but is also important that we take action when possible to state our position on these key issues that affect our society. As members of the Vincentian family, there are many resources available to us that make it easier than ever to let our voice be heard by lawmakers regarding important issues that come before them.

One easy to access tool is Capwiz which is web-based. Through Capwiz, you can easily send an email to your elected representatives in Washington and espouse the values of the Catholic Church and the Vincentian Family. Here is a snapshot of some of the key issues right now on the “Voice of the Poor“ web site

Click here to Take Action!

As you are aware from recent e-blasts, the Church is very concerned about the unaccompanied minors who are at the southern US border in record numbers. You can make your voice heard with other members of the Vincentian family. Please act today!

Here is a link from the Ladies of Charity website for signing up with Capwiz:

We encourage you to step up and let your voice be heard on behalf of all those we serve in the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul. Become an advocate today!

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