August 25, 2024August 25, 2024Regional Highlights Ladies of Charity Luncheon in Lynchburg, VA The Ladies of Charity affiliated with Holy Cross, Lynchburg, celebrate another year of giving to the community.
July 25, 2024Regional Highlights LOC of Buffalo, NY Provide Help To Afghan Support Center The Ladies of Charity attended an event where we provided people in need with clothing and other items, and shared information on our organization.
July 25, 2024July 25, 2024Regional Highlights Saratoga Springs Chapter – Installation of Officers and Induction of New Members On June 19, 2024, the Saratoga Springs, NY Chapter of the Ladies of Charity held their Installation of Officers and Induction of new members.
June 10, 2024June 10, 2024Regional Highlights LOC of Calvert County MD host mobile health unit and provide fresh produce for those in need It was a productive day for the Ladies of Charity volunteers of Calvert County, Maryland.
June 10, 2024June 10, 2024Regional Highlights Ladies of Charity at St. John’s University Support SSND Educational Center On June 5, the SSND Educational Center in Woodhaven, Queens NY celebrated the accomplishments of 100 women.
April 28, 2024Regional Highlights LOC of Calvert County, MD Hold Basket Bingo Fundraiser To Support Food Pantry Rebuild A “food pantry rebuild” fundraiser was hosted by the Ladies of Charity Calvert County, Maryland, on October 22.
April 28, 2024Regional Highlights St. Ignatius of Loyola LOC (Archdiocese of Washington) Look Back at 2023 St. Ignatius of Loyola (Fort Washington/Oxon Hill, Maryland) LOC look back at the successful drives that they sponsored last year.
April 28, 2024Regional Highlights St. Jane Chantal LOC Support Gabriel Project St. Jane de Chantal, Montgomery County, Maryland, Ladies of Charity members held a Baby Shower/Luncheon on October 27, 2023 to support needy pregnant mothers and their children.
April 26, 2024Regional Highlights Buffalo Ladies of Charity Induction Mass Eight Ladies of Charity were inducted at Mass on April 18th by Father Paul Steller, Kathleen Roseti, President and Holly Walter, Spiritual Moderator.