Hotel Dieu is a nursing home for the aging poor and disabled in Los Angeles. It has 109 private one bedroom apartments and is located adjacent to the St Vincent Meals on Wheels program and St Vincent Medical Center. It was built by the Daughters of Charity. Once a month the Ladies of Charity plan a birthday party for the celebrants of that month.
The attendees may be small or large in number but all are notified and look forward to knowing it’s there for their enjoyment. A lovely table is set with decorations and party favors including food and refreshments. Bingo is played and on occasion someone plays the piano. Cake and ice cream is served by Sister Alice Marie, D.C. who operates the vast Meals on Wheels program. The Ladies of Charity provide the funds for this including the cake and ice cream. In January at our General Meeting, a schedule is set up for the year and ladies volunteer for each month, usually two or three ladies, although it’s open to anyone who would like to join in the festivities.