Third Sunday of Lent 2013

third-week-lentReadings: Exodus 3: 1-8a, 13-15; Psalm 103: 1-4, 6-8, 11; Corinthians 10: 1-6, 10-12; Luke 13: 1-9

There is much food for thought for us to ponder in today’s first reading.  God reveals himself to Moses in the burning bush, which Moses was curious to explore.  How different salvation history might have been had Moses not given in to his curiosity!  Moses responds with “Here I am.”  Are we as readily available to God’s invitations to us?  Then, God instructs Moses to remove his shoes for he is standing on holy ground.  We can see in this encounter how God and Moses are entering into an ever deepening relationship, culminating in God’s revelation to Moses that he is “the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.”  Moses hides his face in awe and fear.  God now has Moses’ attention and wants to entrust a mission to him, that of leading his chosen people out of the slavery of Egypt into the promised land of Canaan.  Despite his initial reluctance and resistance, Moses accepts his mission and God promises to be with him.  Like Moses, do we sometimes hesitate in responding to God’s calls to us?  When have we experienced God’s presence with us, even in difficult situations?

In today’s Gospel Jesus clarifies that suffering and death are not related to individual sinfulness but are part of the human condition.  Nevertheless, he is telling us that as the end of life can come unexpectedly, there is an urgent need to repent, that is, to change our way of life, our mindset, or perspective.

Prayer:  Spend some time today praying with this picture of Moses painted by Seger Koder.

Try These This Week:   Here are some Lenten practices to consider during the coming week.

Su Be conscious of how you are a blessing from the Father to everyone you meet today.

M Try to identify a rough edge in your life; put it under God’s loving gaze to enable healing.

T Today reflect on your relationships and how you are being called to conversion in your life.

W Be calm and quiet for a time, just trying to experience Christ.

Th Offer a prayer of acceptance for something you can’t change right now.

F What do you worry about most?  Make an act of trust in God.

Sa Determine if you are limiting anyone and give her/him the freedom to be what she/he ought and not what you want.

Prepared for LCUSA by Sr. Elyse Staab

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