Category: Monthly Prayer Services
Prayer Service for November 2022
The title is the “Communion of Saints,” in remembrance of All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days. The reflection invites us to ponder “the thin veil between us and our loved ones who now live with God for eternity.”
Prayer Service for October 2022
This reflection invites us to ponder: “Our troubled world needs peace. How am I offering peace to others? What might I do to make my world more peaceful?”
Prayer Service for September 2022
Sr. Carol Schumer, D.C. has provided a prayer service for September. The title is the “Role of Women in Service.”
Prayer Service for May 2022
This month’s prayer service from Sr. Carol Schumer, D.C. is called “The First Follower of Jesus — Mary, her YES!”
Easter Prayer Service
Sister Carol Schumer, D.C., offers a prayer service for use in the second half of April. Its theme is “life and growth in Easter and Spring, allowing us to bring forth fruit”.
Prayer Service for March / Lent 2022
The title is “…if it dies,” reminding us that surrender comes before new life.
Prayer Service for February 2022
This month’s service is entitled “God is Love”; most appropriate after the second reading from Corinthians this past Sunday.
Prayer Service for January 2022
The title is “A New Beginning”. It urges us to meet the new year and our current challenges with beginners’ minds, renewed vision, and open hearts.