Sister Carol Schumer, D.C. writes: With Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day both on February 14, the theme of “Lent: Love and Suffering” seems most appropriate.
Ladies of Charity USA is undertaking an exciting new project in caregiving, Ladies of Charity Caregiving, Inc. We are looking for an Administrator in Pittsburgh.
The Ladies of Charity, founded 400 years ago by St. Vincent de Paul, is renewing its call to provide homecare through the launching of Ladies of Charity Caregiving, Inc., in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Continuation of the series on “The Prophetic Dimension of the Vincentian Charism in light of the Social Doctrine of the Church”. AUTHOR: SR. MARÍA PILAR LÓPEZ, D.C.
Sr. Carol Schumer, D.C. offers us this prayer service for the month of January. Sister decided to incorporate Pope Francis’ message to the Vincentian Family, given at the October Symposium in Rome.
Junior Ladies of Charity from St. John’s Prep enjoyed helping at the Immaculate Conception Homeless Shelter delivering coats, serving dinner and visiting with the guests.