by Holly Walter
We need your help in getting donations to help the women and children of Madagascar. Please consider sending in your donation as soon as you can. This year at the Assembly in buffalo New York we collected $2100.00 for Madagascar but we need much more to really make a difference in the lives of all the impoverished people of this island nation. Funds from the last couple of years’ donations were used to construct new more sturdy houses for the residents. Madagascar is often ravaged by typhoons and other climatic disasters because of its location next to the continent of Africa and the Indian Ocean. It is primarily an agricultural society with few businesses and little manufacturing.
The women and children benefit from our generosity in many ways. Women are able to start businesses and achieve independence and self respect. Children are able to receive an education that extends beyond the primary school level. The children are now able to go beyond high school and receive a college education and are thus able to break the cycle of poverty. Support for the women and children of Madagascar will pay great dividends in the future and fulfill our Vincentian promise to help those in need around the world.
I have been very happy and lucky to serve as the Madagascar chair on the LCUSA National board for the past 7 years and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
Please be as generous as you can.
To donate online, click here
To donate by check, please put Madagascar in the memo line of your check and send to:
LCUSA Service Center
2816 East 23rd Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64127
Thank you for your generosity.
Holly Walter
Madagascar Chair