Pantry Infrastructure Gets Upgrades to Better Serve Clients
The Ladies of Charity at St. Anthony’s held two strategic planning workshops in late 2017. Ideas that came from the workshop led to some changes to the layout of the Pantry House. The changes are described below with pictures. We have gotten many compliments from clients indicating that the flow is more efficient, choices available are welcome, and wait time is shorter. Thanks to the Strategic Planning Team!
First we replaced the fading Pantry sign to make the Pantry House more welcoming to clients. A Parishioner with a sign business donated the beautiful new sign.
Then we replaced the well-worn door with a fancy, sturdy, and secure door. The door was donated by a generous parishioner, and installed by the Parish.
Next we added some benches on the porch to provide more seating in good weather. A grant from the Archdiocese paid for the benches.
Then we rearranged the waiting area to provide more seating and a new entrance to the registration desk to make the flow of clients move more efficiently.
Then we added a mobile cart to create a portable “meat market” to allow clients to select fresh meat.
Finally, we added more shelving to store pre-packed groceries out of the way of the client flow. A donation from Cardinal Hickey Academy provided the mobile cart and the additional shelving.