The Ladies of Charity Calvert County, Maryland became aware of a need at the Calvert Nursing Center, which has many low-income residents. One of the residents’ daughters had posted an article on Facebook that sounded like a desperate call for help. We decided to form a committee and put together a Christmas gift bag for each of 120 residents.
We contacted the facility manager to determine what gifts would be most appreciated. She indicated that the residents had had an extra rough year, with COVID restrictions limiting personal contact. She indicated that blankets, warm socks, personal items and snacks would be well received. Our volunteer committee jumped into action to create 120 lap blankets during November, and to purchase the other items including tote bags, gripper socks, shampoo, body wash, lotion and snacks. The membership donated so much time and money that we did not have to expend any funds for this.

At our December meeting, we limited the time spent on business topics so the 20+ attendees could assemble the gifts. A “caravan” of Ladies delivered the gifts to the Calvert Nursing Center the next day. The facility manager said the residents loved the tote bags, especially the blankets.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed and/or participated in this project, especially our member Dolores Marinaccio who took the lead on this wonderful project.
At our next meeting, we will vote to make this an ongoing ministry with a gift event about 4 times per year.
Submitted by: Ann Klein
President, Calvert County LOC and
Peggy McKelly
Secretary, Calvert County LOC

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As members of the Vincentian Family, you have shown the meaning of serving your brothers & sisters with the love of Christ. Thank you for heeding the call to serve. As a result, your association has grown because of your unselfess love for others.