The following updates are from the Winter 2020 issue of Charity Link, the newsletter of the Buffalo Ladies of Charity.
Christmas Gifts For the Homebound
Work has been underway for months on Christmas gifts for the homebound – an annual Ladies of Charity project that not even a global pandemic could stop. Above, Alice Werynski, LOC chairlady at St. Martha, Depew, is shown working on a delivery of gift items.
Alice, along with Joyce Cieslar, Joyce Kaupa and Janice Ferguson, sorted and bagged greeting cards, while practicing social distancing. They prepared more than 700 bags of 10 cards each. These will be added to other items and gifts for the homebound.
Masks for Kids
Several Ladies of Charity sewers volunteered their time and talent to participate in a recent Erie County RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) volunteer activity to sew masks for children. RSVP teamed with the Erie County Department of Health with a goal—to sew and distribute 400 masks for Erie County kids! Erie County provided the pattern and supplies and LOC responded. Thank you to these LOC members who participated: Janey Dickash, Joanne Randles, Judy Huber, Mary Carroll, Mary Dickerson, Dawn Tucci, Jean Felser, Janice Ferguson, Celeste Kray, Susan Ognibene, Pat Luzer and Kathy Roseti.
Other Highlights
Daisy Rojas-Lehman, Sally Kingsley and Linda Hall prepare for the October reopening of the Ladies of Charity Lots of Clothes Thrift Store by sorting and pricing donated items.
Joe Rizzo from Catholic Charities of Western New York helps sort and distribute items for the thrift store. He is one of many CCWNY workers who have helped keep LOC ministries going during the Covid-19 pandemic.