“It is better to see and experience something once, than to hear about it a thousand times.” — Anonymous
Four Ladies of Charity: Jean Sebold, Peggy McCaig, Natalie Hnatiw, and Michelle Stillwagon, did just that– they embarked on a trip to see and experience the Holy Land with a group from St. Anthony’s, North Beach, MD. They got to feel the very foundation of our faith and to take what was in the bible and turn it into a vivid reality. They were able to see all the major sites and I know they can now visualize where they were every Sunday when a scripture is read: Cana, Galilee, Nazareth, Mt. Tabor, Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Tabgha, Mt. of Beatitudes, Kursi, River Jordan, Mt. of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, Ein Kerem, Bethlehem, Pool of Bethesda, Mt. Calvary, Mt. Zion, Bethany, Jericho, the Mt. of Temptation, and many more.
I know God was with them and their lives are forever changed.
– Shared by Peggy McKelly, Secretary, Ladies of Charity Calvert County, Inc.

One thought on “Ladies of Charity Visit the Holy Land”
Belated congratulations to the LOC of St. Anthony’s, North Beach, MD, on the celebration of their 50th Anniversary as an organization! Also so glad for President Jean Sebold and the other LOC’s from St. Anthony’s, that they were able to be part of St. Anthony’s trip to the Holy Land.