The LOC group in Memphis continues to be very active! Here are some highlights:
- Angela Lindsey has made monthly trips to the Shelby County Jail carrying small shampoos, conditioners, bars of soap and ladies magazines to the female inmates for over twelve years now. Twice a year she asks for ladies to donate underwear and socks in addition to the toiletries.
- Once a month we gather at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in oder to prepare 400 sandwiches for the St. Vincent de Paul Soup kitchen. On the third Saturday of each month a number of our ladies take these sandwiches to the soup kitchen in downtown Memphis where they bag them, adding cookies and fruit.
- For many years now we have sent a group of ladies to work on Tuesdays at the Church Health Center where they sort donated medicines. In addition our ladies write thank you notes for donations made to the CHC and Christmas cards in December to the CHC’S clients.
- Fundraising: To assist our donations for the poor and the needy, we sponsor a bus to Tunica, Mississippi on the first Monday of each month to one of the Casinos. Cost to ride the bus is 15 dollars per person. After the bus company is paid, the remaining money goes for our programs to help the poor.
- Twice a year, we have a Fund Raiser. In the Spring we sponsor a Sunday afternoon Elegant Tea & Fashion Show. Many of our ladies are the models. In addition to the great food and awesome modeling clothes, we have music with vocals throughout the event and a Silent Auction. Our Tea this year will be held on Sunday April 22nd at Christian Brothers High School.
- Our second Fund Raiser is a Luncheon Card Party held in September at Holy Spirit’s Catholic Church. Fabulous food and great prizes. All LOC ladies and their friends are invited to join us.
- Each month we mail out at least 12 checks, sometimes more, to local charities. We have monthly Board Meetings and regular meetings with Mass, a speaker and lunch September thru May. During the summer months we continue with our hands on projects.
Our officers are Kim Eggert Trunell – President, Cecilia Stahl – Vice President, Marie Ricossa – Secretary, Kathy Schumer – Treasurer and Rose LaVoice – Newsletter Editor. In addition we are privileged to have as our Sister Moderator – Sister Regina Grehan and our Priest Chaplain – Msgr. Al Kirk.
Website: ladiesofcharitymemphis.org
One thought on “Spotlight on LOC of Memphis, TN”
this is wonderful, keep up the good work, your Memphis group is truly blessed with all your good members