The Archdiocese of Washington Ladies of Charity is extremely happy to be your host for the 2012 National Assembly, which will be held at the Hyatt Regency, Bethesda, Md., September 12–16. We are working diligently to provide you with a program embracing the theme of Giving in Faith and Love.
A core group of dedicated Ladies of Charity has committed itself to provide participants with spiritually enriching experiences. Invitations have been extended to several well-known dynamic speakers. A number of timely and relevant workshop topics are being proposed which include homelessness, human trafficking, health and wellness, and lay women as spiritual moderators.
Arrangements are being made for exciting tours in and around the Washington, DC area.
We look forward to welcoming you and discovering creative ways of acting on behalf of those who have no voice. May the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul fill each of us as we gather together for the 2012 National Assembly.
Full details about the assembly will be published in the next issue of the Servicette and at their website, which is in development. Their address will be
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