Second Sunday of Advent Reflection

The Ladies of Charity USA gratefully acknowledge the Sisters of Charity of New York for sharing their Advent reflection.

Second Sunday in Advent – December 4

Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11~ Ps. 85 ~ 2 Peter 3: 8-14 ~ Mark 1:1-8

“Speak up! Let your voice be heard!” today’s readings seem to say.

Isaiah urges those who have good news to cry at the top of their voices, without fear, from the highest heights. And what is that good news? That our God is near, coming with power, not like a tyrant, but like a shepherd. Our God rules with fairness, our God comforts and forgives, our God hears the suffering of those who are poor.

This is indeed good news in today’s society, where so many feel the pinch of economic hard times. We await the reign of justice, we long for “new heavens and a new earth” (2 Peter). God promises that our waiting will not be in vain.

“Make ready the way of the Lord,” cries John the Baptist. He had no illusions about who he was and who he was not. Nor was he shy about lifting his voice and pointing others in the direction of Jesus the Messiah. May we follow the Baptist’s lead, boldly, clearly, simply, speaking out and speaking up. May the way that we live and love reveal the awesome, life-changing truth that God indeed dwells among us.

Sister Regina Bechtle, SC
Sr. Regina, currently Charism Resource Director 
for the Congregation,
writes, lectures, & offers programs and retreats 
about St. Elizabeth Seton

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