On Saturday, October 10, 2009, seven Daughters of Charity were honored at a liturgy held in the Basilica of the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Emmitsburg, Maryland. One of those honored, Sister Denise Simms, was a former member of the Holy Ghost Parish in Issue, Maryland. Sister Denise celebrated 80 fruitful years as a Daughter of Charity and in the public health field. In some instances, Sister Denise went door to door helping families who lacked the necessary every day basic medical needs.
The Daughters of Charity who were honored had given freely a total of 515 years of service to the poor. At the liturgy, Father Steve Trzecieski, C.M., asked for our prayers for vocations so the Daughters of Charity can continue their mission of servicing the poor and vulnerable. As Ladies of Charity, we should dedicate our prayers and those of our associations to the great need for vocations in today’s world. Let us individually and together foster prayer for vocations, especially vocations within our Vincentian Family. What a tribute this will be to those who have given so much! As one of our hymns sing out, “Let it begin with me.”