Madagascar Update

Through our association with AIC (International Association of Charities), The Ladies of Charity became aware of the needs of Madagascar: shelter, food, clothing, housing, medicine, schooling, and more. In this impoverished country, even the basic need of water is not taken for granted. Here, many people lack life’s necessities; this a country often struck with natural disasters and epidemics. Because of the disparity of these people, LCUSA has taken up an annual collection for those in Madagascar since 2003. The funds we collect provide food and school supplies to orphans and abandoned children.

Local AIC volunteers operating in 14 different associations throughout the country provide shelter, food, clothing and medical care, pay school fees and provide supplies; offer spiritual, health and civic education; dialogue with mothers; teach agricultural techniques, sewing, knitting, weaving and gardening.

The following is the latest report:


In all of the regions of Madagascar the political crisis brought about decline of the economical situation and as always the poorest are the first victims. Manakara unfortunately is no exception from this sad fact. The volunteers of AIC, in spite of the obstacles they meet, are doubling their efforts and courage in order to help the children and their mothers in charge of the Tanambao AIC Center.

However this year there has been a major event for AIC Manakara: The renovation and enlargement of the Center, causing a lot of troubles for the activities in and around the Center.


  • Emergency relief for marginalized groups, especially for street children and their families and in general for single parents without social support.
  • Empowerment for those who because of their misery do not enjoy any of the civil rights within their respective community.



The number of poor children coming to the center with their mothers is steadily increasing. The situation is still worsening because of indeterminable strikes of the public school teachers. From the beginning of AIC there are the children, orphans or without mother or father. With the aid of AIC, these children are registered officially, their first civil right, before they are registered for the different schools. However some are still waiting for their birth certificate.

The daily school meal, following correct rules for hygiene, has a positive effect on the children, collaboration with the UN World Food Program is going on. The two years in preschool seems to work out very well. When the children leave the Centre, they are ready for public schools, and often even better prepared than the other children.


Close collaboration with the children’s mothers is crucial to AIC. 137 mothers are working with the volunteers: single mothers, widows, those left alone by their partners, or grand-mothers. The mothers have participated in workshops and consulting service, resulting in better health status.

Besides hygiene we offer civil rights and spiritual education.

This year, thanks to partnering with AIC USA (LCUSA) small micro-credit projects were established by groups of 10 women. Follow up was provided by the volunteers and a social assistant. The 4th group started right now and repayment is very encouraging in spite of one or two women who failed. The women gain self-confidence and are happy to have their small business or other income generating activity.

Training Session
Training Session


The AIC:

  • Different kinds of training offered to the volunteers
  • Fundraising for the projects
  • Visits or the opportunity to take part in training sessions
  • Partnering: Equipes Saint Vincent, AIC France (salary of the teacher, nutrition, micro credit projects) and LCUSA, AIC USA (visits of the Board in order to offer training to the groups, micro credit project).
  • The Vincentian Family (Australia)


In spite of the troubles due to the construction work, the adaption to the place let to AIC by the parish priest, in spite of various crises which often de-motivated the volunteers, the year passed well and the start for the new term was successful. By now 309 children take profit from the benefits of schooling, school meals and medical treatment. And now we have the great pleasure to work in a nice, spacious and comfortable place. Our deep-felt gratitude goes to ACTIONS TROIS ROIS – AACHEN, GERMANY for financing the enlargement and renovation in favor of the marginalized children from Manakara. Thanks AIC-USA for your partnership in supporting the work that benefits both the women and children of this region of Madagascar.


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