Second Sunday of Lent

Readings: Genesis 15: 5-12, 17-18; Responsorial , Psalm 27; Philippians 3:17 – 4:1, Luke 9:28b-36

The readings for the second Sunday of Lent are rich in meaning. The Church presents to us the transfigured Christ who is our Model and Inspiration, the One whom we must imitate if we are to be true followers of Christ. In the first reading Abram’s faith is praised because he believed God’s promise that he would have descendants even though his wife Sarah was barren. Abram believed nothing was impossible to God. In the letter of Paul to the Philippians, Paul admits he is far from perfect but he continues to follow the path of Jesus in fidelity, step by step. Finally, in the Gospel of Luke we catch a glimpse of the future glory of Christ in his risen humanity. Jesus understood the human weakness of the three disciples present with him. Realizing that his followers would struggle in the near future to the tragedy of his passion and crucifixion, He strengthens them with a glimpse of the future glory which will be theirs if they are faithful.


Ever present and loving God, you are with us in our Lenten journey. We want to be faithful, but so often our busy schedules get in the way of our efforts to follow the path you provide for us, the path that will lead us to a deeper relationship with you. Help us to understand that it is one step at a time; sometimes two steps back and one step forward, but help us to also understand that it is the faithful effort to make these steps which is the important thing. Each Lent we are offered a time to deepen our relationship with you and to follow Your Son. Each Lent we struggle many times with the same obstacles, but what we fail to see is that you understand and you take us where we are. Help us to believe this and to appreciate how much you embrace us in your loving heart and that you appreciate our efforts. Keep anew in us the desire to keep on trying. Let us proclaim from the housetops: Lord, it is good for us to be here! You are Here with us on our Lenten journey! We ask this in Jesus name. Amen.


Find a few moments of quiet time and invite Vincent, Louise, and Elizabeth Ann to sit with you. Talk to them about the efforts they made to discover EACH DAY how much God loved them and how much God was present to them. Ask them to help you be more faithful to your Lenten journey and find God in the recesses of your own heart, your family and your ministry to those who are poor. Each of our Vincentian saints discovered God in these day to day realities of their lives and so can we. God is in OUR EVENTS, God is in our Lenten journey and in our desire to grow more deeply during this Lenten season! Ask yourself each day where God has been in the moments of your day THIS VERY DAY!

Prepared for LCUSA by Sr. Claire Debes.

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