Ladies of Charity Luncheon in Lynchburg, VA

The Ladies of Charity affiliated with Holy Cross, Lynchburg, Virginia, celebrated another year of giving to the community with a luncheon at Charley’s Restaurant in Lynchburg on June 11.

Since 1898, the Ladies of Charity have organized service projects in the area, most famously packing lunch bags for soldiers during World War I and World War II.

Today, the Ladies of Charity raise money and donate to various organizations, including Miriam’s House, a shelter for battered women; Isaiah House 117, a temporary home for children transitioning to foster care; and Lynchburg Grows, a local vegetable garden.

Their next big fundraiser is a bake sale scheduled for November.

2 thoughts on “Ladies of Charity Luncheon in Lynchburg, VA

  1. That is a great history. Congratulations to you all for another meaningful year of service and friendship.

  2. So happy to see all the smiling faces of the Lynchburg Ladies of Charity. Great to know your Association is still working together for the needs of your community. Grateful for your History & Service!!!

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