Newest Members of LOC of Chattanooga, TN

Donna Antolak, President of Ladies of Charity of Chattanooga, Tennessee, submitted this photo of their newest members. Congratulations, Ladies!

She writes, “We are proud and honored to introduce Ladies of Charity New Members…….Laura Moore, Christine Dobson, Donna Antolak, Sharon Kirby, Gail McCauley, Cindy Shipp, Janice Bowden, Pat Hendrickson, Rita Rodgers, Becky Valadie, Florence Bannier, Jo Ann Gensler, Gail Cunningham, Pris McClean, MaryAnn Schenck, Faye Blevins, Janie Hughes, and Father Jim Vic.

The Investiture service was followed by a beautiful luncheon on March 29th, presented by Susan Brocker.”

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