Pittsburgh LOC Recognize Ladies for Their Years of Service

On June 12, the St. Louise de Marillac Parish LOC recognized those who have been Ladies of Charity for 25 to 40 years. The Pittsburgh Board designed a medal with a picture of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac, and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to recognize the ladies for their years of service. Each parish association in Pittsburgh was given their medals to distribute to their ladies.


3 thoughts on “Pittsburgh LOC Recognize Ladies for Their Years of Service

  1. The Ladies of Charity are to be commended for the material and spiritual work that they do

  2. The Ladies of Charity at St. Louise de Marillac are a shining example of God’s love and compassion to many. They radiate humility, charity and service. Congratulations to all who have served for many years. Thanks to all of the Ladies of Charity.
    Sister Mary Faith Balawejder
    Pastoral Associate at St. Louise de Marillac Parish

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