2009 National Assembly, Pittsburgh, PA
“Ladies of Charity: Bridging Hope, Service and Love”
The Ladies of Charity of Pittsburgh gave us an assembly that we will long remember. The theme of the assembly “Bridging Hope, Service, and Love” was reflected by speakers, panel discussions and workshops, all of which will help us fulfill our mission. The symbolic blending of water from each region signified the unity of our organization. The assembly was meticulously and beautifully planned and the Pittsburgh ladies were gracious hostesses. The spaghetti dinner, the lunch and river cruise were tokens of their generosity. To Peggy Keene, Ruth Punturi and the entire committee we thank you and congratulate you on a very successful assembly. Your kindness and hospitality were appreciated by all who attended.
A report on the assembly will be covered in detail in the January issue of the Servicette. You may view the vast collection of photos from this Assembly by visiting the Photo Gallery.
Keynote Speaker Fr. Scott Seethaler
“The Marriage Between Charity And Justice”