Sign-up for CapWiz

Join the Legislative Network of the Vincentian Family. Sign up as a Lady of Charity.

One way we can advance the goal of advocacy is to identify ways the US government can help the poor. We can be advocates to help build affordable housing, promote justice for immigrants, increase food security and increase access to health care and education for mothers and babies. We can do this by joining with others in legislative advocacy.

LCUSA and other members of the Vincentian Family are working with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and Catholic Charities USA to increase opportunities to write to our federal legislators on matters that affect vulnerable people, especially women and their children. SSVP has set up registration for the family through a web-based tool, CAPWIZ. Register as a member of the Ladies of Charity and advance the legislative priorities created jointly with Catholic Charities USA. Mary Beth O’Brien is the LCUSA representative on the Social Policy Committee of CCUSA. She is one voice. Each of us can use the link to SVDP and participate by using CAPWIZ. It is easy to understand, simple to use and a very powerful tool to help people living in poverty. We can add our voices to address the causes of poverty and make our nation more responsive to the needs of poor people and those who work with them.