Coats Everywhere!


Kathy Kavanaugh, Oct. 2016

The LOC of Albany, NY organized their 6th annual Coats for the Community in October. Coats collected by LOC from many of the Catholic Churches in the Albany area were sorted, washed and mended so that only like-new coats were offered. About 2,000 beautiful coats and jackets were collected. In addition to coats, every person shopping was able to choose a sweater or jacket. It was heartwarming to witness children collect coats from their schools and friends. We even had quite elderly local residents from the town we were serving join us in sorting and washing. It was a privilege to watch everyone welcome strangers who happened by and ask us if they could help. Only graciousness greeted them.

Before we began both days of service, we held hands and prayed for a generous heart and patience to find the face of God in those we served. We had over 80 volunteers involved, including one of our Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin’ by World (Bridges out of Poverty) graduates and all had fun shopping with people to find “just the right look”! We had beautiful coats and people were so thrilled with their choices. Another very rewarding aspect was that four communities were invited to our event. At the conclusion, two of those communities selected coats and held their own coats event. In addition, other LOC outreach sites selected coats and with the remainder given to other organizations and agencies. I believe each of us were very grateful to be involved.


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